Constraints Planning
- Expire: Expire can happen because made with chemicals can result expire. Sometimes expire can also happened from mistake of certain shops to the number of heedless certain place shop date of expire.
Solution: Checking entire all product which the marketing and draw goods of expire and anti same new material such as those which customer buy. And supervisors have to check more accurate.
· Sabotages:
1. Product imitated with same brand but different content.
Solution: our Company can make copyrights product which we market to body authority.
2. If happened libeling product, to turn down the image.
Solutions: first look for evidence goods, and research the problem with 5w+1h. If we do not feel there is make a mistake, delivering problem to body authority.
· Fire in Factories:
Solutions: Before we develop building our companies have to work together with assurance to guarantee company loss.
If fire moment happened to the employee in company, companies have to do save worker to help employees of company.
· Seal is broken:
Solutions: If moment of delivery of goods happened by the direct ruined seal complain and convert same product with system today + one.
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